Simple TOML Name Service
port = 1104
include = "/etc/stns/conf.d/*"
module_path = "/usr/local/stns/modules.d"
load_module = ""
allow_ips = [""]
# basic auth
user = "basic_user"
password = "basic_password"
# token auth
tokens = ["xxxxxxx"]
# tls encrypt
# ca = "/etc/stns/keys/ca.pem" # using only client authentication
cert = "/etc/stns/keys/server.crt"
key = "/etc/stns/keys/server.key"
id = 1001
group_id = 1001
directory = "/home/example" # default:/home/:user_name
shell = "/bin/bash" # default:/bin/bash
keys = ["ssh-rsa XXXXX…"]
link_users = ["foo"]
id = 1001
users = ["example"]
endpoints = [""]
Name | Description | Default |
port | listen port | 1104 |
include | include config directory | - |
module_path | module include path | /usr/local/stns/modules.d |
load_module | include module name | - |
allow_ips | allow ip(subnet) list | - |
basic_auth - user | basic authentication user(env:STNS_BASIC_AUTH_USER) | - |
basic_auth - password | basic authentication password(env:STNS_BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD) | - |
token_auth - tokens | token authentication tokens(env:STNS_AUTH_TOKEN separator is , ) |
- |
tls - ca | ca public key(use only client authentication) | - |
tls - cert | server certificate | - |
tls - key | server private key | - |
ldap - base_dn | ldap server base dn | dc=stns,dc=local |
redis - host | redis host name | - |
redis - user | redis username | - |
redis - password | redis password(env:STNS_REDIS_PASSWORD) | - |
redis - ttl | redis ttl | - |
redis - db | redis db id | - |
Name | Description |
id(※) | unique user id |
group_id(※) | id of the group they belong |
directory | home directory path |
shell | default shell path |
gecos | description |
keys | public key list |
link_users | merge public key from the specified user |
password | password token |
link_users params is merge public key from the specified user
keys = ["ssh-rsa aaa"]
link_users = ["example2"] ←
keys = ["ssh-rsa bbb"]
$ /usr/lib/stns/stns-key-wrapper example1
ssh-rsa aaa
ssh-rsa bbb
$ /usr/lib/stns/stns-key-wrapper example2
ssh-rsa bbb
Name | Description |
id(※) | unique group id |
users | user name of the members |
link_groups | merge from belong to the other group users |
It can be used to represent the organizational structure
users = ["user1"]
link_groups = ["division"]
users = ["user2"]
$ curl
"users": ["user1", "user2"]
$ curl
"users": ["user2"]
Name | Description | Type |
endpoints | etcd urls | strings |
user | etcd user | string |
password | etcd password(env:STNS_ETCD_PASSWORD) | string |
sync | sync config from toml file(exclude user password) | bool |
Name | Description | Type | |
read_capacity_units | table read capacity units | int | |
write_capacity_units | table write capacity units | int | |
user_table_name | user table name | string | |
group_table_name | group table name | string | |
sync | sync config from toml file(exclude user password) | bool |
The following environment variables need to be set
api_endpoint = ""
http_proxy = "http://localhost:8080"
request_timeout = 3
request_retry = 1
request_locktime = 600
ssl_verify = true
# basic auth
user = "basic_user"
password = "basic_password"
# token auth
auth_token = "token"
query_wrapper = "/usr/local/bin/stns-query-wrapper"
chain_ssh_wrapper = "/usr/libexec/openssh/ssh-ldap-wrapper"
cache = true
cache_dir = "/var/cache/stns/"
cache_ttl = 600
negative_cache_ttl = 600
uid_shift = 2000
gid_shift = 2000
# tls client authentication
ca = "/etc/stns/keys/ca.pem"
cert = "/etc/stns/keys/client.crt"
key = "/etc/stns/keys/client.key"
enable = true
prefetch = true
Name | Description | Default |
api_endpoint | api endpoints | http://localhost:1104/v1 |
request_timeout | http request timeout | 10 |
request_retry | http request of retries | 3 |
request_locktime | request lock when after request timeout | 60 |
http_proxy | use http proxy | - |
ssl_verify | verify certs | true |
user | basic authentication user | - |
password | basic authentication password | - |
auth_token | token authentication token | - |
query_wrapper | use it when acquiring information with arbitrary script | - |
chain_ssh_wrapper | use to obtain public key from other than stns | - |
cache | use request cache | true |
cache_dir | save cache directory | /var/cache/stns |
cache_ttl | cache ttl | 600 |
negative_cache_ttl | cache ttl when resource notfound | 60 |
uid_shift | user id shift from stns response user id | 0 |
gid_shift | group id shift from stns response group id | 0 |
tls - ca | ca certificate | (Depends on cURL) |
tls - cert | client certificate | - |
tls - key | client private key | - |
cached - enable | enable cached | false |
cached - prefetch | resource prefech inteval cache ttl | false |
This theme is a fork of Solo.